
科技界奧斯卡獎 T3 Gadget Awards 2010 完整得獎名單 分享

英國重量級科技產品雜誌《T3》昨天發表2010年度科技大獎「T3 Gadget Awards 2010」的得獎名單。此獎由讀者及專業評審票選,有「科技產品界的奧斯卡獎」之稱,其中蘋果公司風靡全球的iPad 3G奪得「年度科技產品獎」,iPhone 4獲「年度通勤配備獎」。hTC Desire則拿下「年度手機獎」,hTC也獲得「年度科技品牌獎」。

Gadget of the Year 年度科技產品獎
Apple iPad 3G

得獎原因:平板電腦雖早已存在,但iPad將它重新定義,開拓一個全新的科技產品領域。它不僅是螢幕比較大的iPod Touch,閱讀電子書、上網瀏覽與影音播放的效果皆絕佳,螢幕品質也數一數二,用做非正式的工作展示工具也無人能出其右,可能性無限。

T3 Design Award T3設計大獎
Samsung UE55C9000 液晶電視


Commuter Gadget of the Year 年度通勤配備獎
iPhone 4
得獎原因:此獎的定義是,讓人在通勤時間能享受更多樂趣。iPhone 4使用者可選擇眾多衛星導航應用軟體、可殺時間的遊戲及不勝枚舉的軟體,上網瀏覽及影音播放品質也很不錯,新的iOS4系統更讓iPhone可多工。它最強對手是iPad,但iPad在擁擠車廂不便使用。

Camera of the Year 年度相機獎
Panasonic Lumix GF1

得獎原因:今年數位相機是微型4/3系統當道,讓相機兼具單眼畫質與輕巧機身,但常價格昂貴,Panasonic Lumix GF1例外。它具備1210萬畫素感光元件、相對廣角鏡頭,是玩家也能使用的消費型相機。評審對如此小巧相機拍照品質大為驚豔。

Computer of the Year 年度電腦獎
Apple MacBook Pro

得獎原因:Apple MacBook Pro蟬聯此獎,去年它以一體成型的鋁合金外殼、LED背光螢幕及鍵盤勝出,今年更提升規格,i5及i7處理器更省電,Nvidia 330M顯示卡也提供歷來最佳視覺效果。雖然價格不便宜,但仍輕易獲評審青睞。

Tech Brand of the Year 年度科技品牌獎
hTC 宏達電
得獎原因:宏達電直到去年都還可說是國際手機界的無名小卒,現在卻已躍居智慧手機的主要品牌。就品牌來說,今年可說是hTC的風雲一年,Desire在英國熱賣,在美國上市的EVO,更以其4G的極速上網能力獲推崇。相較下,掛Google品牌的Desire兄弟機Nexus One卻黯然收場,凸顯hTC的品牌吸引力。

Phone of the Year 年度手機獎
hTC Desire
得獎原因:hTC去年以Hero踢走iPhone 3GS,今年再以Desire力克有天線設計缺失的iPhone 4。hTC Desire和iPhone 4一樣外形簡潔、功能強大,但價格較低廉,且採開放式系統Android。評審認為,目前手機市場是hTC + Android的天下。

T3 Gadget Awards 2010 完整得獎名單:

Innovation of the Year
Apple iPad WiFi + 3GS

With its intuitive multi-touch interface and interactive apps, Apple’s tablet brings computing to a whole new group of users.

App of the Year
Google Maps Navigation

Free turn-by-turn navigation from Google? We'll have some of that

Commuter Gadget of the Year

Apple returns with its most impressive handset yet.

Phone of the Year
HTC Desire

With a powerful 1GHz processor and the fantastic HTC Sense interface, this is simply the best Android phone produced to date.

Camera of the Year
Panasonic Lumix GF1

The smallest Micro FourThirds camera to date takes outstanding pictures, boasts a range of interchangeable lenses and is intuitive to use. Simply great value.

Camcorder of the Year
Sanyo Xacti CS1
Slimline and stylish, the Xacti is exceptionally stylish, yet offers advanced features like full 1080 shooting and a 10x optical zoom.

Computer of the Year
Apple Macbook Pro
The gorgeous unibody design stays but the Pro gets its most significant upgrade to date with faster processors and automatic-graphics switching.

Music Gadget of the Year
Cambridge Audio DAC Magic
Digital to analogue converter that transforms sound from your PC or games console to CD quality.

Gaming Gadget of the Year
Alienware M11x
PC gaming almost goes portable, with an 11-inch laptop that doesn’t compromise on performance.

Retailer of the Year
Apple Store
Apple makes only a select few products, but makes all of them extremely well. The clinical simplicity of both its online and high street stores is nought but impressive.

New Media Service of the Year
Last years winner of the innovation prize, Spotify adds Android and Symbian versions for mobile listening.

T3 Design Award
Samsung UE55C9000
Combining 3D wizardry with up-to-date web apps and a touch-screen remote, the world’s slimmest integrated LED is truly innovative.

TV of the Year
Panasonic Viera TX-P50VT20B
With outstanding 2D and 3D picture quality, Panasonic’s first 3D plasma sets the standard at a price that makes 3D affordable

Tech Brand of the Year
HTC has come from pretty much nowhere in the last year or so to become a serious contender for the top mobile maker. From UK hit the HTC Desire to US wins with the first 4G handset, this is one to watch for 2010.

Gadget of the Year
Apple iPad 3G
With it’s intuitive multitouch interface and interactive apps, Apple’s tablet brings computing to a whole new group of users.

Green Gadget of the Year
Instead of leaving your equipment on standby, Intelliplug automatically switches them off, saving money and increasing the lifespan of your gadgets.

Work Gadget of the Year
3 Mobile Mi-Fi
Portable and convenient wireless modem that works with anything WiFi, including phones, laptops and tablets.

Home Gadget of the Year
Samsung Navibot SR8845E
Intelligent robot vacuum cleaner with a built-in camera to map your front room, before plotting the best cleaning route accordingly.
